As Professor Edward de Bono frequently pointed out, the current way of thinking has remained substantially unchanged for over two millennia and it is the one coined by the famous GG3 (the Gang of 3 Greeks), namely by Socrates, Plato and Aristotle.

The currently practiced thinking technique is the so-called "Adversarial Thinking" or "Antagonistic Thinking", based on the judgment of a situation as it is perceived. Judgement, which is expressed by putting the perception in a certain box/judgment category, immediately determines its evaluation and consequent actions. This type of thinking is rather lacking, both in that it is based only on what is immediately perceived, without verifying other perceptions of the same situation, and in that it applies rigid pre-packaged logical rules to the first perception evaluated with the judgment, which are not always suitable for determining actions appropriate to the situation as it arises. By practising the aforementioned technique, therefore, we are imprisoned in a logic bubble.

Logic and judgement, based on its rigid rules which puts perception into a certain category, are very useful for dealing with static and elementary situations (so-called "fixed points"), but are absolutely inadequate for managing more complex situations.


The techniques I teach, on the other hand, are based on "Parallel Thinking" or "Design Thinking" or "Constructive Thinking", in which the perception of a given situation is enhanced and improved through frameworks that direct attention. This produces a series of parallel considerations/possibilities which are laid down alongside each other and which contribute to the design of the consequent actions. The actions designed through “Parallel Thinking” are highly effective and suitable for managing situations that arise from time to time, as they are based on an enhanced and not limited perception, such as the one we have inside the logic bubble in which we live when we practice the current way of thinking, immediately applying judgment to the natural and spontaneous perception we have of a given situation.

The frameworks used to implement "Parallel Thinking" consist of of the "Six Thinking Hats", which allow you to optimally exploit the various thought modes of which our brain is capable.

I am available to carry out a free trial, which you can request by clicking on the following button, as well as to give you all the information you need, which you can request by writing to me at or by calling the telephone number +39 0861 243610.




Our courses are aimed to allow you to practise the "Six Thinking Hats" and "Lateral Thinking" techniques independently, to make the best decisions, to solve your problems, to improve an object, a product, a service or an application (or, more generally, something) or to carry out certain activities more effectively and profitably. Our courses allow you to achieve the aforementioned objectives by making the most of your intelligence, using your thinking more effectively.

In summary, our courses will save you time and money and at the same time increase your level of satisfaction and happiness.

The main features of the "six thinking hats" technique of professor Edward de Bono


Our courses are aimed to training learners who follow them on the use of "Six Thinking Hats" technique of Professor Edward de Bono.

This technique greatly enhances thinking and reasoning skills. Its main features are:

  • 1) speed, as with this technique thinking occurs in a much shorter time of those who employs traditionally practiced thinking, without often achieving satisfactory results;
  • 2) effectiveness, as this technique allows the achievement of highly effective results;
  • 3) simplicity in learning and in using it: following our courses, upon completion of which you will be granted a certificate of attendance, you will have the possibility to practise on your own the "Six Thinking Hats" technique.

Enhance your thinking skills

In addition to the training activity, we also offer facilitation services, through which we will give assistance to the customers who have already attended our courses and who want to have our support in determined phases or moments of their activities, and consulting services, through which we provide direct consultation in relation to determined issues that our clients have difficulties in solving.

Empower Thinking

Empower thinking by adopting the "six thinking hats" technique by professor Edward de Bono

What is the “Six Thinking Hats” technique used for?

Professor Edward de Bono taught us that our brain’s performance is not related only to our intelligence. Intelligence, without a proper thinking technique that allows us to exploit its potential is not capable of making us reach our goals. The relationship between intelligence and thinking technique is similar to the one between a sports car and the pilot: without the driving skills a car cannot win any competition.

Therefore the “Six Thinking Hats” technique serves to empower thinking, and thus, to make the most of intelligence.

The “Six Thinking Hats” technique is fundamentally needed to solve problems, in the various sector of human activities, and to improve procedures or products, even if they are considered quite satisfactory and tested.

The areas of operacy in which the aforementioned technique is most frequently used are the following:

  • making decisions;
  • training in the management and guidance of teams;
  • managing and/or solving conflicts;
  • optimizing sales and marketing;
  • innovation;
  • research and development.

Relationship between intelligence and thinking techniques

The theme of the relationship between intelligence and thinking techniques was discussed by Professor Edward de Bono in the video available in the following box.


The expression "Lateral Thinking" was coined by Professor Edward de Bono in his fundamental work The Use of Lateral Thinking and it subsequently become a voice of the Oxford English Dictionary, that defines it as "a way of solving problems by using your imagination to find new ways of looking at the problem".

"Lateral Thinking" is a formidable instrument to stimulate our brain’s creativity and we will cover it in the illustration of the green hat, that is the hat used to stimulate creativity.

As our brain is by default based on the so called "vertical thinking", that is the one based on logic, with "Lateral Thinking" we cut across patterns, helping our synapses not to follow the default pattern that would be followed practising the vertical thinking, but to generate new patterns which allow us to generate new ideas.

In addition to the training activity, we also offer facilitation services, through which we will give assistance to clients who have already attended our courses and who want to have our support in determined phases or moments of their activities, and consulting services, through which we provide direct consultation in relation to determined issues that our clients have difficulties in solving.

A concise and effective illustration of “Lateral Thinking” by Professor Edward de Bono is contained in the video available in the following box.

"Today, businesses and organisations need to adapt to survive. Creativity is the only engine that will drive lasting success."

Professor Edward de Bono


I am a Full Professor of Civil Law and Legal Research Techniques by Applying Lateral Thinking in the Faculty of Law at the University of Urbino in Italy and member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts.

For some years, I have perceived that the teachings I received in my training were severely limited, as fundamentally based on the dialectical method and on the so called "Vertical Thinking", the first aimed exclusively at making one’s own opinion prevail over that of other interlocutors, without asking the slightest doubt of its real ability to solve a problem or to propose innovative or in any case more effective solutions compared to the previous ones, the second one based on routine procedures aimed to repeat what other people who had gained some degree of social visibility or credibility, often passed off as scientific, did or affirmed.



Our courses, either in Italian or in English, are held both online, through Zoom platform, and face-to-face, at your or at my place of work. You will be issued a manual in e-book format in Italian, a manual in e-book format in English and an access to the de Bono’s interactive platform.

At the end of the course, you will receive a de Bono certificate of participation in the course.

Do you want to empower your thinking?

Professor Franco Angeloni is also available to carry out short demonstration sessions free of charge during which he will illustrate the services offered.

Empower Thinking